Vaccination Campaign

Develop a system to allow planning of a vaccine campaign in an area where severa l vaccination hubs are available.

All classe must be included in the package it.polito.oop.vaccinaton. Facade class Vaccines allows performing all required operations; each new instance of this class represents a distinct vaccination system with its own people adn hubs. All error and anomaly notification takes place using the VaccineException exception class.

Class TestApp in default package contains a short test for the application.

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R1: Population

Population to be vaccined is made up of persons for which we know the SSN (codice fiscale), first name, last name and birth year.

A new person can be added through method addPerson() accepting as arguments first and last name, SSN, and birth year. If a person with the same SSN already exists, the method discard the new entry and returns false, otherwise it returns true. The number of people in the system is returned by method countPeople().

Method getPerson() accepts an SSN and returns a string containing SSN, last and first names separated by ",". Method getAge() returns the age of a person given their SSN.

Information about persons can be read from a file in CSV format. Reading takes places through method loadPeople() that reads a CSV file containing for each person (a person per line) the SSN, last name, first name, and birth year, all separated by commas without spaces. E.g.,: MLNLCU50Z403RE,Melone,Luca,1950.

The file has the header (first line) with at least the columns SSN, LAST, FIRST e YEAR, in that order. It the header is not correct, an exception is thrown.

The people read from the CSV are inserted as with the method addPerson(). In case of duplicate SSN or incomplete information the line is discarded.

The method acceots a Reader and returns the number of people that have been read without problems.

In case of I/O error, the exception must be relayed to the caller.

R2 : Age intervals

Persons can be divided into age intervals that are defined using the method setAgeIntervals() that accepts as argument a series of integers corresponding to the ages the divide the intervals. All intervals are closed on the lower end and open on the upper one.

For instance setAgeIntervals(40,50,60) defines four intervals: [0,40), [40,50), [50,60), [60,∞).

Method getAgeIntervals() returns a sorted collection with the labels of the age intervals formatted as "[40,50)", where in place of the infinity symbol the character '+' is used.

Method getInInterval() accepts the label of an interval and returns the list of SSNs of the persons whose age (computed by subtracting the year of birth from the current year) falls in that interval. If no persons fall in the interval, an empty collection is returned.

R3: Vaccination Hubs

Vaccination hubs are defined with method defineHub() that accepts a name, the method throws and exception in case of duplicate name.

The list of hubs is returned by method getHubs().

Methdo setStaff() allows defining the staff configuration for a given hub in terms of doctors, nurses, and other personnel. The method throws an exception if no hub with the given name is found or if any of the counts is <= 0.

Method estimateCapacity() accepts the name of a vaccination hub and returns the estimation of the hourly vaccination capacity. It is possible to estimate the hourly capacity of a hub based on the staff; in particular it is computed as the minimum among:

This method throws an exception if there is no hub with the given name or if no staff has been defined for the hub yet.

R4: Weekly timetable

Method setHours() accepts an array with the number of hours for each day of the week from monday (0) to sunday (6). The same hours apply to all hubs. The method throws an exception if the argument has not exactly 7 elements or if any day has more than 12 hours.

Method getHours() returns a list (one element per day of the week) whose elements are the time slots lists with the format "hh:mm". Time slots are defined every 15 minuts (4 per hour), starting at 9:00 and extending for the number of hours defined with the previous method.

Method getDailyAvailable() accepts as arguments the name of a hub and the day of the week number (0=Monday) and returns the vaccination capability of the hub for that day.

The vaccination capability – i.e., the number of vaccinations that can be administered in the hub on the given day – is equal to the number of hours multiplied by the hourly capacity (as estimated by method estimateHourlyCapacity()).

Method getAvailable() returns a map that associates the name of hubs to the vaccination capabilities in each day of the week, computed as described above.

R5: Planning

Method allocate() accepts as arguments the name of a hub and the number of the day of the week (0=Monday).

The method tries to allocate a number of people for the given hub and day, giving precedence to the higher age intervals. The total number of persons to allocates is equal to the capability (as return by method getDailyAvailable()).

For every time interval the method allocates a number of people equal to 40% of the places still available (truncated value).

The following algorithm is used:

Therefore if we have six intervals, and supposing capability to be 100, from the 6^th interval 40 persons will be allocated, then 24 from the 5^th, 14 from the 4^th interval, 8 from the 3^rd, 5 from the 2^nd, and 3 from the 1^st. Six position are still available that are assigned to people from 6^th interval (if available).

Clearly it is not possible to assign more persons the the maximum.

The method returns the list of SSNs of the persons allocated in the given hub and day of the week. The persons in the list are marked as allocated and are no more considered in next calls to the method.

Allocations can be cancelled with the method clearAllocation() that marks all persons as not allocated (free).

The general week planning is performed by method weekAllocate().

The method returns a list, with one element per day of the week, of maps that associate the name of the hubs to the list of SSNs allocated for that day and hub.

R6 Plan stats

After a weekly plan has been defined using method weekAllocate(), it is possible to assess its characteristics using the following methods that work on the latest computed weekly plan.

Method propAllocated() returns the proportion of persons allocated in the plan w.r.t. the total number of persons present in the system.

Method propAllocatedAge() returns a map that associates the age intervals to the proportion of persons persons in that age interval that have been allocated w.r.t. the persons in that interval.

Methodo distributionAllocated() returns a map that associates the age intervals to the distribution of the allocated persons, that is the number of allocated persons in an intervale divided by the total number of allocated persons.

R7: Advanced file read

It is possible to activate an advanced management of the reading (in extension to what described in requirement R1) by calling the method setLoadListener() before invoking the reading method.

This method accepts a listener object that implements the interface BiConsumer<Integer,String>.

If a listener has been defined, when during the reading of a CSV an error is found (incomplete line or duplicate SSN) the method accept() of the listener must be called passing the number of the line that caused the problem and the line itself. Lines are numbered from 1, where line 1 is the header line.

The method accept() of the listener must also be invoked before throwing the exception relative the a wring header.