
; MSP430 Assembler Code Template for use with TI Code Composer Studio




.cdecls C,LIST,"msp430.h" ; Include device header file


.def RESET ; Export program entry-point to

; make it known to linker.


.text ; Assemble into program memory.

.retain ; Override ELF conditional linking

; and retain current section.

.retainrefs ; And retain any sections that have

; references to current section.


RESET mov.w #__STACK_END,SP ; Initialize stackpointer

StopWDT mov.w #WDTPW|WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; Stop watchdog timer

.text ; program start

.global _main ; define entry point



mov.w #WDTPW+WDTHOLD,&WDTCTL ; stop watchdog timer

;Set the I/O port that controls the RED LED to an output.

; To do this set bit 0 in the P1DIR register. Leave all

; all other I/O lines as inputs

Call #SetIOPorts

Call #InitilizeDisplaySPI

Call #InitilizeDisplay

bic.b #01100001b, P2OUT

mov.b #01100001b, P2DIR

; echo peripheral swt

bis.b #00001100b, P1SEL

bis.b #00010000b, P2SEL

call #TimerSetUp


;mov.b #0xa5,R10

;call #SendSPI

;jmp looptemp

;bic #0X4100,&UCSCTL6

call #HalfSecondDelay

;bic.b #0X70,&UCSCTL1


;call #HalfSecondDelay


bis.b #01100001b, P2OUT ;wait < 10 us

nop ;wait 10us

nop ;wait 10us

nop ;wait 10us

nop ;wait 10us

nop ;wait 10us

nop ;wait 10us

nop ;wait 10us

nop ;wait 10us

nop ;wait 10us

nop ;wait 10us

nop ;wait 10us

bic.b #01100001b, P2OUT ;signal started


bit.w #CCI,&TA2CCTL1

jz WaitDistance

mov.w #0xFFFF,&TA2CCR0

mov.w #0xFFFF,&TA0CCR0


bit.w #CCI,&TA2CCTL1

jnz WaitLM


bit.w #CCI,&TA0CCTL1

jnz WaitLR


bit.w #CCI,&TA0CCTL2

jnz WaitTillDistanceIsLowLeft

mov.w TA2CCR1, R13

mov.w TA0CCR2, R7

mov.w TA0CCR1, R8

mov.w #0x0000,&TA2CCR0

mov.w #0x0000,&TA0CCR0

mov #0x1f,R10

call #SendSPI

mov #0x01,R10

call #SendSPI

mov #0x00,R10

call #SendSPI

rla.w R13

rla.w R13

bic.w #000000000001111b, R13

mov #0x5f,R10

call #SendSPI

mov.b LookUpTable(R13), R10

call #SendSPI

add.b #1, R13

mov.b LookUpTable(R13), R10

call #SendSPI

mov #0x0e, R10

call #SendSPI

mov #0x02,R10

call #SendSPI

add.b #1, R13

mov.b LookUpTable(R13), R10

call #SendSPI

add.b #1, R13

mov.b LookUpTable(R13), R10

call #SendSPI

mov #0x0d, R10

call #SendSPI

mov #0x04,R10

call #SendSPIf

call #HalfSecondDelay

jmp Mainloop



; SMCLK, /8, Up mode, no interrupts

mov.w #0000001011010100b, &TA0CTL ;left right

mov.w #0000001011010100b, &TA2CTL

; Capture on faling, CCIxA, Synchronous, Capture, No interrupts

mov.w #1000100100000000b, &TA0CCTL2 ;left capture

mov.w #1000100100000000b, &TA0CCTL1 ;right capture

mov.w #1000100100000000b, &TA2CCTL1 ;front capture

mov.w #0000000000000111b, &TA0EX0

mov.w #0000000000000111b, &TA2EX0



bic.b #01000000b,P1OUT ;reset the display

call #HalfSecondDelay ;only need 20us but I have a half second delay.

bis.b #01000000b,P1OUT

mov.a #DisplayInitilizationData,R4


bic.b #00001000b,P2OUT

mov #0x1f,R10

call #SendSPI

mov.b @R4+,R5

cmp.b #0xff,R5

jz InitDisplayDone

mov.b R5,R10

and.b #0x0f,R10

call #SendSPI

rra.b R5

rra.b R5

rra.b R5

rra.b R5

mov.b R5,R10

and.b #0x0f,R10

call #SendSPI

bis.b #00001000b,P2OUT

jmp InitDisplayMore


bis.b #00001000b,P2OUT



.byte 0x3A,0x01f,0x09,0x06,0x1E,0x39,0x1B,0x6E,0x56,0x7A,0x38,0x01,0x0F,0x39,0x56,0x70,0x38,0xff


mov.a #DisplayNumberData,R4

bic.b #00001000b,P2OUT


mov.b @R4+,R10

cmp.b #0xff,R10

jz DisplaynumbersDone

call #SendSPI

jmp DisplaynumbersMore


bis.b #00001000b,P2OUT



.byte 0x5f,0x01,0x03,0x02,0x03,0xff


mov.a #DisplayLettersData,R4

bic.b #00001000b,P2OUT


mov.b @R4+,R10

cmp.b #0xff,R10

jz DisplayLettersDone

call #SendSPI

jmp DisplayLettersMore


bis.b #00001000b,P2OUT



.byte 0x5f,0x03,0x05,0x09,0x06,0x0D,0x06,0x0F,0x06,0x0E,0x06,0x05,0x06,0xff


mov #0x1,R14


mov #0xffff,R15



sub #1,R15

jnz TimercountLoop

sub #1,R14

jnz OuterTimercountLoop



; IO ports need to be defined as Inputs and outputs based on the development board


; PORT 1 bit direction function

; 0 output LED on Developmet board

; 1 input (pullup) Switch 2 on development board

; 2 input right distance sensor

; 3 input left distance sensor

; 4 output left pwm

; 5 output right pwm

; 6 output Display reset

; 7 input EzEET_uart

mov.b #00000011b,P1OUT ;set up all default output values and pullups

mov.b #00000010b,P1REN ;enable pull up/dn resistors

mov.b #01110001b,P1DIR ;set all pin directions per definition

; PORT 2 bit direction function

; 0 output Distance Right Trigger

; 1 input (pullup) Switch 1 on development board

; 2 output Direction of right motor

; 3 output Chip Select for display

; 4 input front distance sensor

; 5 output front distance sensor trigger

; 6 output left distance sensor trigger

; 7 output direction of left motor

mov.b #00001010b,P2OUT ;set up all default output values and pullups

mov.b #00000010b,P2REN ;enable pull up/dn resistors

mov.b #11101101b,P2DIR ;set all pin directions per definition

; PORT 3 bit direction function

; 0 output MOSI (also LED 1)

; 1 input MISO (also LED 2)

; 2 output SCLK (also LED 3)

; 3 output UART Tx (also LED 4)

; 4 input UART Rx (also LED 5)

; 5 output LED 6

; 6 output LED 7

; 7 output LED 8

mov.b #00000110b,P3OUT ;set up all default output values and pullups

mov.b #00000000b,P3REN ;enable pull up/dn resistors

mov.b #11101101b,P3DIR ;set all pin directions per definition

mov.b #00000111b,P3SEL

; PORT 4 bit direction function

; PORT 5 bit direction function

; PORT 6 bit direction function

; PORT 7 bit direction function



bic.b #00001000b, &P2OUT ;Chip Select low initializer

mov.b #01000000b, &P1OUT ;Reset high initializer

mov.b #00001000b, &P2DIR ;Chip Select Output mode

mov.b #01000000b, &P1DIR ;Reset Output mode

mov.b #00000111b, &P3SEL ;SCLK, MOSI, MISO

mov.b #00000001b, UCB0CTL1 ;Allow modifications

mov.b #01001001b, &UCB0CTL0 ;Communication parameters

mov.b #11000001b, &UCB0CTL1 ;More parameters

mov.b #0x0B, &UCB0BR0 ;Setting baud rate to achieve 100 kHz clock

mov.b #0x00, &UCB0BR1

bic.b #00000001b, UCB0CTL1 ;Enable serial

bic.b #01000000b, &P1DIR ;Pull reset low

call #HalfSecondDelay ;Wait

; bic.b #01000000b, &P1DIR ;Pull reset high




bis.b #01000000b, &P1DIR ;set Chip Select

mov.b R10, &UCB0TXBUF


bit.b #1, &UCB0STAT

jnz CheckSTATUS





.byte 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x03 ;transforming values from the timer to real value

.byte 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x03

.byte 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x03

.byte 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x03

.byte 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0x03

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.byte 0x03, 0x03, 0x00, 0x03

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.byte 0x04, 0x03, 0x00, 0x03


; Stack Pointer definition


.global __STACK_END

.sect .stack


; Interrupt Vectors


.sect ".reset" ; MSP430 RESET Vector

.short RESET